Monday, January 18, 2010

Haiti's Orphans

I have not yet spoken to the crisis in Haiti. Partly, this has been because I haven't known what to say that hasn't already been said. Maybe it is all just too big to comprehend. It is certainly overwhelming. I have spent my time praying for the suffering and loss among the Haitian people. I have also been praying for the physical and mental safety of those first responders among the various international relief organizations. I cannot fathom the tragedy that they are witnessing.

Before the earthquake Haiti had an orphan crisis on their hands. There were literally thousands of little ones, just like my boys, living on the street or as slaves. One doctor interviewed on CNN has said that the orphan population has tripled this week. There are hundreds of thousands of children who are alone...there is no one to make sure they even have the basic necessities. There were a handful of orphanages. Now I understand that there are none. What can be our response to this? How can we help?

Together for Adoption is working on a plan, and preparing to mobilize churches to act. I don't know what the plan will be. I don't know how we can help, yet. But, I do know this, we are responsible to help. James 1:27 says, "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." If ever orphans have been in affliction, it is happening now in Haiti.

How am I preparing to respond? In whatever way the Lord allows. If it is money... fine. If it is time spent in Haiti... I can do that. If it is to bring one of these little ones into my home as a part of my family... I am ready do that too. One thing is for sure, my heart will not let me sit idly by and do nothing.

Please pray for these precious children. And, pray that a means can be established between our State Department and the Haitian government through which these children can be adopted quickly.

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