Have you ever tried to spread cold butter on bread? Of course, we all have, it just doesn't work well. What is a butter lover to do? Enter the butter bell. It allows you to keep butter at room temperature without spoiling.
Room temperature butter spreads easily, and is so nice to have around. Yes, I know that you can soften it in the microwave, but I always overdo it. And, I'm not a fan of waiting for an hour or more for it to come to room temperature on it's own.
The Butter Bell comes in two pieces. The bottom is simply a jar that holds a couple of inches of cool water. The lid, when lifted, reveals an upside-down container that you pack the softened butter into. When the lid is placed on the jar, the water creates an airtight seal around the lip of the butter container, which keeps it from spoiling.
The Butter Bell can be elusive, although a Google search just revealed more sources than I found last year. Mine is hand-made, purchased from ebay. There are a lot of antique versions available, because these were common in kitchens before refrigeration became readily available. I guess that adds to the appeal for me. I love history, and this keeps a little piece of it alive in my every day life.
So, it was a splurge, yes. I had kept a relatively normal household for over 14 years sans butter bell. But, it is a purchase that I do not regret. In fact, it is one of my favorite things.
I've been checking out butter bells online ever since you posted this! I've seen several I liked including some really cute Christmas ones.